Monday, January 31, 2011

The Fear...

 Fear is something that hinders a lot of our plans, and when we allow our fears to keep us from our goal,s not only is that sending mixed signals for our faith and trust in God, but it tell our children that when your afraid to take a chance it shows that we are limited. Moms show your children that it's ok to take chances, it just might be in your favor. You are Empowered!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Thinking about someone other than me

 I often wondered when my relationship was over if I was forever going to be by myself; with the exception of my child. I was so caught up with me and my problems that I forgot that I could be in worse. Taking the time to give back let's you realize that you could be in a far worse situation.

Encouragement goes a long way

Hello BEAUTIFUL mothers, isn't funny how we can encourge others or tell some else that we love about them but we can never do that for ourselves. I have a challenge for you, find something about YOU that you love about being a mother pr even about you, I would love to hear about it...hmmm, let me start...

I am just in between my dreams

Where are my strong beautiful Empowered Single Mom's? No one knows the power that you all have. Don't ever let any one tell you that you can never fulfill your dreams, tell them your presently in between dreams...just waiting for the right time to get back on track. So watch as I go get what belongs to me!

What's behind your name?

A name has so much to it, when we think of Jesus we know his name has power, but what value do you put behind YOUR own name? Your name should have something that says something POSITVE about you as well as something that your are DOING for OTHERS. Sit down one day and put something behind your name.Then your on your ne...xt level of empowerment. Continue to look for empowerment.

Leave it all behind

Hello beautiful mothers, it's a New Year and there are some anchors that you are holding on to, there are some things that you have to let go of in order to move to the next level in your life. What are you holding on to that you can't let go of? Hurt, disappointment, etc. Don’t let small things keep you from your future ~stay empowered!

Some who inspires me

Hello Beautiful Women, how has your week been? Wanted to put this thought out there...Who is your mentor, who inspires you? Who helps you when it seems like there is no way out; mentally. Honor these women, without them we would be a bunch of, I know I would be. These women are angels never take them for granted. ~Stay empowered.

Time is too important..

Hello Beautiful Mothers, time is precious, and so are our children...they grow up so fast and before you know it they are starting their lives. Don't forget to spend time with them we only get once chance to spend with them when they are 2, 3, 15, 17...make each day count ~ Stay empowered ladies make your time count.

It's all in the way you plan

Hello beautiful mothers you are the ones to create your own destiny in life, no one can make things happen unless you take the first step. Don't let what you did last year be the same thing you are doing this year, make a list this year of what you did last year. Put that list on your fridge or mirror as a reminder of things you plan to improve.~Stay Empowered.

It's never too late....

Hello beautiful moms, a mother I spoke to told me when she had her first child while she so young, she barely had a high school education. She now feels so intimated by her children now because they know she is less education than her. Empowerment is first admitting you have a weakness; the next is doing something about it. ~You are empowered
Hello beautiful mothers who are worth far more than what people see them as. I wanted to share something with you that was shared in church, “death and life lays in the power of your tongue”. So if you are in a dry place in your life, or you’re trying to get the next level, write it down, make it plain and then speak it into existence; you are empowered!

It only take one step

Hello Divas, who just happen to be mothers, God has put this on my hear and I wanted to share this with you.  We all know what we want out of life, well atleast an idea, but none of us are really planning or making strides to get there.  What are you doing to reach your goals? What steps have you already put into place to reach it? All it takes is one step, God is already 2 steps ahead. ~ Remember YOU ARE EMPOWERED!