About Us
Empowering Single Moms World Wide was birth by Marsha Ebanks who is a motivational speaker, coordinator, and is heavily involved in customer service relations. In addition she is a single mother who walked in the same shoes as many of the mothers who are out there.
“God put a vision in my heart that a lot of women are not prepared in life and when certain circumstances come into play we either give up, walk away or just break down. We lose vision or focus and we tend to feel that our hopes and dreams are now dead. We took our eyes off God, who is and always will be our provider, and made our primary focus our children. Since we now are living for our children instead of living for God we, in turn, abandon what God has destined for our lives and what we are supposed to be.”
After a 10 year long relationship with her son’s father ended, she realized that it wasn’t easy in a one parent household. Resorting to public assistance, leaving her child for hours at a time in order to make ends meet. Thinking she was doing the best she could for her child. Years later she realized that she was so focused on trying to do for child, so she thought, that she forgot about herself, others and even her very own creator and eventually her own child.
Time is so important and mothers need this to raise children who can be productive citizens in society. When you are prepared then nothing is no longer a shock; if a mother is properly prepared for life not only does she succeed but her child does also.
Preparing women is what this organization is about, stepping in where others fall short. There are so many programs out there that say they help women but it is only a temporary band aide. Steven Covey wrote “You give a man (or woman) a fish, you feed him for a day; teach a man (or woman) to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”.
This is a motto that we are using for our company and this is where word “EMPOWERMENT” comes into play, we are here to empower every single mom who is willing to be helped. There is power when you know something, and eventually you get more confident in who you are. This type of empowerment fall downs and when the apple does eventually falls from the tree, it will use the seeds that was planted in side them and eventually take root itself and in turn become EMPOWERED itself.