Sunday, November 16, 2014

Taking a Chance....

 Fear is something that hinders alot of our plans, and when we allow our fears to keep us from our goal,s not only is that sending mixed signals for our faith and trust in God, but it tell our children that when your afraid to take a chance it shows that we are limited. Moms show your children that it's ok to take chances, it just might be in your favor. You are Empowered!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Don't let them grow up too fast...

Hello Beautiful Mothers, because we are a one woman show we tend to put a lot of the responsibilities on the older children, forcing them to grow up before time. Remember they also need a childhood give them a chance to be just that, they are only children once.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

It is letting go that seems to be the hardest. The future is unnknown and faith is the only thing that you will have. It is not as cloudy as it may seem. If you do not have faith it is impossible to please God. Hold on to it, it is all you have.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Increasing Hope and Faith

Believing for a sign anywhere helps to keep hope. Hope that something is coming to pass, hope that a promise is going to happen. A single mother believing that one day she is going to get married. A mother hoping that beautiful baby that she raised will one day get of drugs. Faith and hope work hand in hand believing in you is what is going to take you to the next level of faith.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Believing God When Everything Around You Says No

For years, believing God for something, that even though events and situations say that it's not going to happen. What do we do when nothing is coming to pass? What do you do when your emotions starts to get the best of you and giving up seems to be the only answer? This may not be a positive post but emotions play an important part in how you deal with things. When it seems more justifiable to say it won’t happen to you than to say "If God said it, then it will happen!" We are emotional beings and when we do not get the things we desire we lose focus and hurt. When rejection is a part of our past, this makes feeling that God is rejecting something he promised. You are living a life according to his will and not seeing it come to pass leaves questions.
Do not give up on the Almighty that has given you life. If he said it, it will come to pass. If you have to write to yourself, blog to yourself, encourage yourself. Then do what it takes. I AM!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Inviting other people into your drama

I was reading the book of Jonah in the Bible, and God told him to go to the city of Ninevah, but he didnt want to go, so he ends up on this ship going in the other directions away from his assignment thinking that all was well. It seem while they were sailing a storm starts to hit the seas, other people crying out to God, why are we going through this? Have you ever thought that when you are supposed to be on an assignnment and your doing what your not supposed to do God will make the situation so unbareable you have to correct what you have done wrong. I notices that when I was running, like jonah the people around me would be in so much trumoile and I said to myself these people are wo messed up why am I around them. Men I would have relationships with would be doing fine months before I met them, then the minute we were dating drama unfolds in their business and in their lives. I think about those men on the ship, how they were doing what they always did and one person's disobedience cause the whole ship to almost sink. We think our sins do not affect anyone else but us. In truth if affects everyone we are in contact with. Unless we confess our sins turn away from our sinful hearts and desires, we can be just like jonah taking a whole ship down with us unless we decide to be thrown over board into the presence of God. To humble ourselves and cry out to him acknowlege what he called us for to be servants and to do his will. Just like love it can be spread, and sin is just the same. These are two things we cannot contain, but it is better to show God's love than to spread sin which can lead to distruction.  Father I thank you for recieving me into your loving arms. I thank you for giving me that second chance to come back to you. Lord continue to use me as your vessle so that your name Jehovah God will be magnified.  Lord Jesus I thank you for being the redemptions for all our sins, and for making a direct way to our Glorious father. A way for us to come back home where love truly lives and salvationg through Christ Jesus reigns.


I have to say trust is the hardest for anyone. Our past tells us not to trust because of situations and circumstances. I got that, my question is what are you waiting for from God and you haven't seen it yet? Had this altered your trust in God?

Something to ponder

 What have you accomplished this year? The count down is on, have you accomplished what you did last year? #thingsthatmakeyougohmmmm Start your goal setting today, it is never too late.

Are you ready for that change?

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